Empowering Women

to Build, Lead and Thrive

Navigating Transformation enables women in career and life transition to transform their passion into a thriving business.

Do you feel like you are at a crossroads? Do you feel stuck between two worlds: the past that you are eager to complete and the future you aspire to create? If the answer is “yes”, then you know that a career transition is also a life transition. Remember: transition without change does not exist!

I’m your partner on your exciting journey of transformation.

I'm Dr. Eleftheria Egel and I am here to help you start your business.

If you are part of one of the CSR (Change Start Return) Groups, you are seriously thinking about starting your own business. However, you may not be feeling confident to do so for a number of reasons.

Whatever your source of doubt may be, I am here to support you to take that leap and succeed. I can help you align your inner purpose with your business vision and discover how to excel; to acquire and improve the skills you will need as an entrepreneur; to evaluate your business idea and create a unique value proposition.

I am offering you an academic structured approach with a personalised learning experience

„The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.“

– Amelia Earhart